Social movement, to put it simply, is a type of group action. And there is Social Movement Organizations which play coordinating roles in social movements, but do not actually employ or direct most of the participants. There are types of social movements that are distinguished by sociology. The types are by targets, by methods, by range, by scope, and by type of change. Also there are major theoretical approaches to social movements. First theory is psychological collective behavior theory which think social movements were seen as a result of crowd sociology. Second theory is resource mobilization theory which stresses the ability of movement's members to acquire resources and to mobilize people towards accomplishing the movement's goal. Third theory is frame analysis theory stresses that individuals discussing social issues create the language and ideas framing the grievances into language. Last theory is the deprivation theory which consider social movements as the result from the legitimate deprivation of large sectors of society.
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"Sewol Memorial" by K Wells - 자작. Licensed under CC BY-SA 3.0 via Wikimedia Commons - |
About these contents we had two discussions. First topic was "What are some of the issues that modern Korean social movements are concerned about?" In Korea there were some social movements like protest of Sewol ferry, buying things at Heeum, and building bronze statues of comfort women. After the incident of Sewol furry there were lots of protest. And many people are taking part in it. And Heeum is the project that support comfort women. People could help them by buying bracelets and bags at Heeum.
Second topic was "Why people protest?" I think the most adequate answer to this question is because they want better life. For example, they protest when they think some institutions are unjust to them, when they want to be guaranteed their lives, and when they want to tell their opinion to government. All these things are to make their life more comfortable.
I agree that people usually protest to make their lives better. Simular but slightly different with this, people sometimes protest for political reasons, or get controlled by political reasons. This can be the wrong way a protest is happened.