Nowadays People feel awe from mers corona virus(MERS-CoV). This virous causes fever, cough, shortness of breath, etc. However it is much more dangerous than just a cold. 40% of people who infected with the mers virus have died. This virus appeared in korea. 15 South Koreans were infected until now. This virus will spread gradually. I think that this can be like ebola virus. It seems to be a pretty big incident. There are Movies-themed virus which people feel fear from. This movie is "감기(The flu)" that released 2013. I came up with bad idea. Korea seems to be like a movie by mers virus.
Actually, The mid-14th century, the Black Death spreaded in Europe. Many people died. Cities that a lot of people crowded suffered first blow. Damage range has grown exponentially. Eventually europe society collapsed.
Virus affects from individual to global.
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