At the fist lecture of this week, i learned many different kinds of perspectives defining or ,understanding society in various ways. The fist theory i learned was Structural functionalism which is focusing on how the system works, and secnond was Conflict paradigm which is the theory that focusing on conflicts,inequality,tension between parts(wealth,gender,majority,minority) .There was a Question regarding this theory, and the question was...How does this power inequality influence your behavir in the classroom compels students to participate in class?
i think ...teacher 's power to give grades to students
makes students to follow teacher's word.of course even if this power inequality doesnt exists, many students will listen to teacher. But this power inequality makes students more obedient.
thrid theory was Symbolic interactionism which is focusing on interaction within one's family.which is similar with this theory is the social network theory.

Culture is the sum of systems,symbols. it means that it consists non material things too.
i think Culture is the hardest word to define. Because it has the largest extent. and i also learned the definition of many other sociological words.For example norm is the what is appropriate in given situation.and value is moral principles.
I actually interested by this various kinds of definitions.
And the most interesting in second day's leture was the question that asks What is the thing that is not allowed in past days and allowed in nowadays. i listened to another groups announcement which is spoken by dutch student, the country which culture is very different with korea. He said the gay march and lesbian's marriage is now allowed in his country. The interesting thing is that it is not allowed in present korea. It is interesting that we live in same century,but our culture can be very different.
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