Date : March,9th,2015
Name : Kim Min Jin (김민진)
we talked about two topics in this week.
Topic 1 : What is more important our genes or our enviroment?
When i listened this question, I thought that environment is more important than genes.
First reason, enviroment is place that we live. environment provide many things that our genes need. For example, water, ground, air and so on.
Second reason, environment affects our genes. good environment gives our genes positive effect but bad enviroment gives our genes negative effect. Fukushima in Japan is one of the examples. the city have had a nuclear power plant. but the nuclear power plant exploded in 2011. By this accident, the enviroment of city was polluted. and people are still worrying about genetic modification and disease. So i think that our environment is more important than our genes.

<- Fukushima nuclear power plant
Topic 2 : Can you think of examples of charismatic traditional and rational-legal leaders of governments in the history of Asia?
When i hear this argument, i brought to mind that Sejong The Great at Joseon dynasty period. Sejong The Great is the forth king of joseon dynasty period. I think that he is charismatic leader.
First reason, Sejong The Great created Hangul. Hangul is korean letter. Before creation of hangul, korean lived without own their letter. So korean borrowed chinese character and uesd it. But common peaple couldn't use chinese character. because chinese character is very difficult to people. Sejong the great understood sorrow people who can't use chinese character and he sympathized them.So he created easy and scientific letter. It is hangul. Nowadays hangul is evaluated very scientific letter.
Second reason, Sejong the great recruited people without discrimination. Jang young-sill is one of example. Jang yong-sill is very smart but he was lower class. Before the period of Sejong the great, lower class couldn't gain fame. Sejong the great is different from other kings. So he helped Jang young-sill able to study. As a result, Jang young-sill invented many tings. For example, rain gauge that measure amount of rain and sundial that use their shadow of pin to know time.
By favor of him, korea developed scientifically.also this inventions were related agriculture.So agriculture dveloped too. Because of this reasons, I think that charismatic leader in history is Sejong the great.
I like your opinion that "Sejong recruited people without discrimination". Joseon dynasty was status system, but Sejong ignore that. People who had power might mind him, but he didn't care that is good I also think :)