What is sociology?(2) Taejoon You 유태준

This week's lecture
At this week's lecture, i learned that sociology is interdisplinary study. sociology can be combined with any field of study. It was very interesting to compare sociology with history, psychology and social work. sociology can be applied to any kind of studies. And i learned the concept which i never thought of. Theory vs Hypothesis. Theory is the story that nobody proved so we have to classify Theory and hypothesis.
Prominent sociologist
This french sociologist established sociology as a proper science. His name is Emile Durkheim. Durkheim defined social facts. I researched about Durkheim and i found intersting fact. The intersting fact is that he denied his career as a traditional sociologist. Instead he worked on establishing social facts.At his book, he introduced the new concept. Anomie. I think this concept is the most interesting thing about Durkheim. He defined social facts as an "OBJECT" and he contined his study based on this way of thinking.
what i learned about Durkheim in this week's lecture and my research is that Durkheim is a thorough social scientist.
I think this sociologist is the most influential and important in modern history. This sociologist is Karl Marx. his idea brought big movement in all around the world. He structured the society depending on who owns the means of production. this kind of his definition about society is based on his individual experience. I researched about his life.And i found that he lived miserable life because of his lack of wealth. His wife died during giving birth to his child. and marx have to bury his wife. i think this miserable experinece made his conflictive idea.
Topic 1 What is more important our genes or environment?

Topic2 Can you think of examples of charismatic traditional and rational legal leaders of governments in history of asia?
Before i introduce charismatic leader, my opinion to concept of charismatic leader is the person who can lead the huge group of people and even change the people's mind of behavior. Based on this idea i think General Baek is the one example of charismatic leader. He is the General at Korean war. At the end of the war, chinese army engaged in korean war. So it was impossible to fight outnumbered troops. Many korean soldiers wanted to retreat of surrender. But General Baek changed soldiers to fight against chinese to save our nation. And finally troops were able to defend our nation. this courage and a spirit of sacrifice he showed in this situation makes him the charismatic leader.
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