and I write my thinking with movie's topic and my short story.
God said you are ‘good man’
1. Asking
What make up Various element of human.
Our gene? or our environment? This controversy is very active.
environment and human's gene relate Each other. But, It is certainly that one of them gives more affect . What is more important to our? Are we determined body or determinant body?
2. What makes me?
I have source that genetic factors is more important than environment factors.
For example, I was school athletes in the past. But I didn't learned exercise not once in academy.
Then, What makes my talent? Just, 'gene' (my father's talent)
My father was high school athletes in the past like me. And he's talent transfered me Genetically.
So, I think gene is more important at least to me.
Theme of the 'Gattaca' is Genetic Engineering.
We know that gene is kind of 'Dominant' gene and 'Recessive' genes.
And, People in this movie is possible that Selection of Dominante genes.
Why scientists and geneticists make a effort the 'Genetic Engineering' in this movie ? Eventually The reson is that genetic factor is more important.
Your posting about our genes is very interesting! You introduce movie about our genes, so I understand very well about your opinion. I had some different idea with you, but after I read your posting, I understand and agree your opinion. Also, after I read your posting, I want to watch the moive 'Gattaca'. I think that it may be fun!
ReplyDeleteYou are right. I agree with you.
ReplyDeleteAlthough my opinion is different with you, I agree with you.
Your experience is a good example.
After reading your post, I searched for 'Gattaca'.
It has a very interesting plot, and educational content.
For the movie 'Gattaca' I think that you need to see it as a student learn in sociology.