Main Topic : Stratification
Name : Chun Byoung-Hyun(천병헌)
Date : April 27~28th. 2015
This week, I learned about 'Social Stratification'. During high school, I have learned social stratification in the society class. In the society class of high school, it was difficult to understand because I learned to abstract. However, through this lecture, I was able to specifically understand the social stratification. Social stratification is affected by each countries, various race, gender and so on. I think that this lecture theme is interesting. Particularly, the most interesting things are 'Gini coefficient' and 'Genocide'.Interesting content of lecture
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I think that inequality is only measured by a sociologist and economist. But, I have realized that income/wealth stratification can be measured using the Gini coefficient. If we look at the Gini coefficient, a fully equal society, the Gini coefficient shows the straight line in graph. On the other hand, in an unequal society, this is different.
Gini coefficient of income distribution around the world is different for each country. The more Gini coefficient degree is high, the less society is equal. Mainly, the high number of in developed countries such as China, US. Although Gini coefficient is a high, everything is not unfair.
Thus, I think that Gini coefficient is somewhat relative and changes by the given situation.
2. Genocide(집단 학살)
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ex) Genocide in Rwanda(르완다 집단 학살)
Hutu tribe and Tutsi tribe migrated to Rwanda. they consisted of most people in Rwanda. Tutsi is a tribe which raised animals. on the other hand, Hutu is a tribe which did farming. Hutu overwhelmed Tutsi in number of people but Tutsi succeeded dominating Rwanda because of their much wealth. Their difference and stratification are getting bigger in social status and wealth. At the end, Hutu tribe killed Tutsi tribe people and 75% of Tutsi tribe was eliminated for 100 days. Like this, genocide is still frequently occur in a modern society.
Reference :
Topic 1 : Should Korean government do more to reduce poverty and promote equality?
At first, I think that Korean government must provide specific welfare policies for the poor people. Through the economic and technical development, Korean society have achieved the economic power of the world 11th. However, it is very different in practice. Gap between the rich and the poor is becoming increasingly large. Particularly, poor people have become increasingly poorer. For these poor people, first, the government is to pay pregnancy incentives every year to the parent that lays a lot of childern. Giving a pregnancy incentives to parents to lay a lot of childern, it can be reduced between the rich and the poor of the gap a little.At second, In order to promote equality, government must strive to be able to people actively participate in national institutions. By participating in the national institutions, it is possible to get a chance to speak clearly their opinion. For example, Hearing, petition, civil organization and so on...
Thus, I think that the role of the government to reduce poverty and inequality is important.
Topic2 : What is the function of stratification?
I think that stratification has positive function and negative function. However, I was focused on negative function. Stratification is used as a tool to justify the power of authority. For example, in Korean society, if we look at the figure of the general company, it is organized in a vertical relationship(ex. president, secretary, worker and so on...). In general, Stratification is effective to increase the productivity. This is because are distributed the role according to their ability. However, stratification create a sense of alienation and substance-centricity. Ultimately, it is intended that the productivity decreases, the company would be economically difficult. Like this, stratification is like a coin of two sides.Thank you for reading!!!