We live in society. And in the society, we are participated in social cohesion and social integration by socialization and social control. Socialization and social control make us member of society. Last class we learn about them. And we discussed about several questions.
Q Color pink is associated with girls. why?

I became curious about this topic and searched about it. In the beginning of 20th century, color pink is associated with boys. Boys wore pink or red clothes and girls wore blue clothes. Because pink has active and dynamic image so it is more associated with boys. And blue has elegant and delicate image so it is more associated with girls. As time goes on, It is changed. There are some hypotheses. Pink is symbol of a homosexual and its image has become weak and delicate. And other hypothesis is that color preference changed naturally.

Any hypothesis, I think current color relation is derived from social convention. Parents dressed their children in pink for girls and blue for boys. Clothes, accessories and toys for girl colored pink. And character for girls, for example, Hello Kitty and princess wore pink clothes and accessories. Boys also tend like this in blue instead of pink. As their children grew, they learned that naturally. And they also repeated the same thing to their children. So color pink is associate with girls.
This topic was very interesting. In modern society, color relation is weaken than the past. But still, sometimes, people look boys wearing pink clothes or accessories strangely. In the future, that is more and more weaken. If so, other color will be associated with girls and boys or may be they are gone.
I like Hello Kitty, so I read your posting first. I agree with you about difference between girls and boys that you think. But I want to see that many boys wear pink clothes. I like boys who fit pink clothes! Your posting is very interesting and I can know many knowledge about difference between boys and girls thanks to your posting.