This week, we learned the stratification that economy, racial and ethnic. I think that the stratification is very various and talk about many things. The very interesting things are racial and ethinic. this is different something in each countries. I think that the Genocide part is interesting thing. I mean that we don't forget it and don't do this forever.
economical stratification
- Gini coefficient

the degree of income/ wealth stratification in a society is measured using the Gini coefficient of inequality. the Gini coefficient is a measure of statistical dispersion intended to represent the income distribution of a nation's residents. Gini coefficient is not representing the measurement of income distribution with the measurement of wealth.
- proverty is usually measured as either Absolute or Relative
Absolute poverty refers to a set standard which is consistent over time and between countries.
Relative provery statistics measure inequality rather than mateerial deprivation or hardship.
World system theory stratification into core and periphery is another international stratification ranking.
Core countries focus on higher skill, capitall - intensive production.
The rest of the world focuses on low - skill, labor - intensive production and extraction of raw materials.
Racial and ethnic Stratification

Ethnicity is the set of behavioral, cultural and organizational differences that allow us to catagorize members of a population/subpopulation as distinctive.
Race is the perceived biological component of ethinicity(what make peple "look" different)
Nationalism is a belief, creed, or political ideology that involves an individual indentifying with or becoming attached to, one's nation.
-Civic Nationalism VS Ethnic Nationalism
Civic Nationalism(liberal nationalism)
civic nationalism defines the nation as an association of people who identify themselves as belonging to the nation, who have equal and shared political rights and allegiance to similar political procedures. the nation is not based on common ethnic ancestry, but is a political entitiy whose core identity is not ethnicity, but shared cultural values, traditions and civic ideals.
Ethnic Nationalism
Ethnic nationalism bases membership of the nation on descent or heredity, often articualted in terms of common blood, or kinship - rather than on political membership.
Ethnic nation - common ethnic ancesty
only peolpe of a given ethnic(racial)
background can be part of the nation
Ethnic stratification
It is a situation where members of particular ethnic groups are disproportionately over- and under - represneted in particular social classes. In stitutionalized discrimination is offical discrimination encode in law
It is a systematic attempt to exterminate an ethnicity within a society. for exampel Genocide nazi.
Topic : Is korean becoming multiethnic?
Our team told that is right. First Korean people think that Aisan people are introversible and European people are extroversible. cause korean proxemics and other countries proxemics are different. for example when the korean people huge with someone, someone is very friednship person or lover. Second, they think that the foreign people are American people even they know that the world is varisous countries. cause they learnded that the english is only using in American.
My thinking
I think this week topic is very intersting thing. I learned the stratification is many things. Genocide is not only in Germany but also in Asia. so I will post it the Genocide someday.... I think korean racial and ethnic stratification is important. Cause korean think that we are one race and one ethnicity. it is so ridiciulous. I learned that why it is so ridiciulous.
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