ㅡ " Social science about social order based on human's economic activity"(Data Source : 네이버 두산백과 ㅡ
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ㅡ In interdisciplinary approach
economist : research the logical reality of economical agency's activities
sociologist : research the social forces that affect individual's life
ㅡ Macro & Micro sociological approach to economy
- Micro : how individual activities affect the whole economical enviroment?
ex) power distance : the relationship between subordinates and superiors. Cultural features of certain community depend on power distance.
-Macro : how different economies arrives at different solution for many issues. & regard world economy as a whole
World - System theory : about the asymmetrical relationship between body contries and margin contries. western- oriented social science only absolutizes the nation and ethnic community, so it is not a proper unit of analysis.
Immanuel Wallerstein said world - system theory covers hegemony among the strong nation, grand scale of conflict, etc.
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Core countries : captial-intensive production & high degree of skills
'System' is dynamic -> each country lose its hegomony on world economy system
Q1. Do you think China can replace USA as the world's econmic power?
I visited art center of Sonje in Angook Dong 2 weeks ago. There, I read this article. ㅡ Asia is the component that originated from Europe, so it's not the cultural, economical, political unity. Asian can't share the common values to make the united community, so EU can't be the role model of ours. Factor that affects more stronger to asia is not the political harmony and transnational bond, but the ideological and political disparity. Therefore, asia is a political hypothesis and component.
This kind of view affects to economical issues. China recently made economical band called AIIB (Asia Infrastructure Investment Bank) to expand its hegemony. This phenomenon can only be occured because Asian countries do not have solidarity between each other. AIIB is only relevant to economical interest. Therefore, in this current, China can replace USA.
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