Monday, June 29, 2015

(Extra Blogging) Ubiquitou - Shim Yun Hui 심윤희

Ubiquitous, information revolution
 Ubiquitous, occurred in the Latin word "are present at any time anywhere." Mark Budweiser Dr., connect everything of real space, including humans, was a technology that can give immediately the information and services necessary to the user defined as the ubiquitous computing. In the ubiquitous environment, that it could be considered like even long before SF comics were actually turned into.
But there is also a ubiquitous problem. That it is not just the protection of privacy. People is dependent left to the kana map computer he can.
In my opinion, now, people, it is to remember a simple phone number, of course, do not know or can not even four arithmetic operations. We might forget also birthday that he was born. If in an accident, or a problem with the computer system, What happens if you destroy? If the nuclear launch a computer malfunction? The thought is horrible.
+ Unplugged movement
 People living in the spread of internet and mobile communications, but more convenient, solitude became more busy than ever. Just get a lot of information through the books one computer, view the movie while the reality is tough. Like computer and the machine as a telephone Turn off , encounters between people, it is an object of the just unplugged exercise that attempts to communicate directly.

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