Tuesday, June 23, 2015

Revolution _ Kimjinwoo(김진우)

Revolution is progress or degeneration. Example of progress revolution is France Revolution. Before France Revolution, France society was very unfair. Royalty and nobility was enormous rich. And People undergo poverty. People had discontent. And intellectual marked a plan. The plan was destroying France society.  As a result, France Revolution was successful in many course. And this course made people thought and want freedom. In short, Frenchman had developed mind. This make French society was developed.
But there are degeneration revolutions. One of degeneration revolution is  5.16 revolution in Korea by Park Jeong-hee. He was military officer. He seized power by leading his military. And he maintained dictatorship a long time. He killed many people by false fact. This time was 'Democracy in the Dark Ages'. 
In short, we section progress or degeneration revolution. And we select progress revolution and refuse degeneration revolution.

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