Friday, June 26, 2015

What is a successful public space? 김민진 (Kim Min Jin)

 Public space is place  for many people. So people use the space in various ways. For example, people are talking to a friend or people take a rest in this space. Then what is a successful public space? 

First, I think that the space with the shade is the successful public space. Because people can see a friend easily in the shade. So peopl can talk to a friend, doing eye contact.
Second, the element of the successful public space is preper temperature. Because people sweat a lot on a hot day. Also people feel the cold badly on a cold day. So proper temperature is important as the element of the successful public space.
Finally, the factor of the successful public space is cleanliness. Because people usually like clean space. If people are in the dirty space, people wouldn't endure bad smell in the dirty space.

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