Tuesday, June 23, 2015

Gender role - Kimjinwoo(김진우)

We learned gender role from our childhood. Man's role is working and social advance. Man's roles is most outside activity and relative society. In short, meet people or provide things for living. Contrary woman's role is inside activity. It is cooking, cleaning etc...
But this situation is changed. Man act in home.(cooking, washing and breeding etc..) And woman go out outside and act in society. As a result, gender role is not biology difference. There are many clue that gender role is incorrect. For example, lioness hunt for male lion. This situation is woman is working.
Why make gender role? This problem involve a long time ago. Human gathered group. And human start social activity. Main activity is hunting. And hunting had to do together. This situation continued 'Male-centered society'. So this made gender role.
As a result, divided activity changed gender role.
Gender role remind a little now. And we resolve this problems! Goal is man and woman is same treatment.

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