The world is divided into five continents. And It is blocked by a large sea. So in the past, the exchanges between continents were rare. in the current, there is a lot of diffrent of culture.
The 21st century is the global era. We can easily encounter foreign in online and offline. To better survive at global era, we have to understand the cultural differences.
I met a boy who comes from jordan during a vacation. When I met him and his sister who is 28years old and student of Seoul National University she didn`t eat anything until 8p,m. I didn`t know why she did not eat. In his country, there is ramadan that is fasting period. Ramadan is September in the Islamic calendar that is the hottest month. And they don`t eat pork. So when I met him, we eat other stuff except for pork. It is a little uncomfortable, but it will be fine if I understand.
Culture eating dog meat of Korea is thought at overseas. they should not despise for this reason that it is diffrent compared to their culture. Eating dog also just the culture of the one country.
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