Tuesday, June 23, 2015

Fertility Rate -Kimjinwoo

Recently, most important problem of our society  is fertility rate. Baby is potential worker and citizen. In short, baby is future of our society. Decreasing baby means potential worker decreasing. That is big problem on economic. This situation said economic disabled. So government execute 'Childbirth Incentives'. For example, government support child education or give money depending on the number of children. In fact, Korean government try to increase fertility rate. But effect is small....
I think reason that Korea fertility rate is decreasing is two. One reason is education fee. Breeding one child need many money. That is burden. So government support education and change expensive education environment. Two reason is parental leave.
Parental leave is difficult in Korea. That make woman think negative about pregnancy.
So government vouch parental leave and social atmosphere is changed.
If this solution execute, woman think positive about pregnancy. 

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