Tuesday, June 23, 2015

The most interesting theme - An aspect of War. ByoungHyun Chun(천병헌)

Main topic : An aspect of War

  • Name : ByoungHyun Chun(천병헌)

  • Date : June 23th. 2015

 In the past, aspect of war was somewhat comical war that exchange a bullet to each other with a rifle that accuracy rate is low and re-loading a gun time is long. From 17 century (War of independence) to the 18th century(Napoleon in power)time, such war form was called "gentlemanly combat". Patterns of warfare were almost unchanged and maintained until World War 1. In fact, the limit of the rigidity of these patterns of war was seen in the colonial war of Asia and war of the natives. But, because they usually won by the difference of the overwhelming power, politicians did not think seriously. However, on the other hand, war between European countries that force is similar caused the terrible results. Gun has evolved enough to not be compared with past gun, but tactics of the war did not change. As a result, the French army was exterminated in the cannon and rifle of the German army. Eventually, wire in a state where it is deadlock, several million soldiers were dead. Such an aspect of war was repeated until the various strategies, such as tanks and paratroopers, are prepared. Suggestion of these wars shows that despite of the developement of military technology, military strategy has not been developed, and eventually the terrible incidents happened. This can be seen in a type of 'Culture lag'. I was become to know that 'Culture lag', not only social-cultural, also takes place in the military aspect. As strategy that runs counter to weapons causes a lot of casualties, culture that runs counter to technology makes a lot of damage.
 Therefore, we must strive to be able to balance technology and culture.

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