Tuesday, June 23, 2015

Gender pay gap - Kimjinwoo(김진우)

 I surprise gender pay gap in Korea. Woman's pay received man's pay of 70%.  I don't think there are gender pay gap in Korea. But there are gap in Korea. In fact, company select more man than woman. Because of pregnancy. Pregnancy need many time and disturb company's work. So company press secretly woman worker. Company said woman worker go out quietly. This is big reason that woman dislike pregnancy. This problem continue 'Fertility decreases'.
Back to the main point. Woman undergo discrimination in company. The main point is pay. Difference of pay is differences in status. Man go up high status. And most of high status is man. Woman is difficult to go up high status. This is Glass ceiling. Think team leader in company. Who is he or she? Most of people think man.  This is unconsciously having thinking high status is man's.  In short, gender pay gap originated difference of status.

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