Monday, June 22, 2015

Looking at global phenomena - A population pyramid. ByoungHyun Chun(천병헌)

Main topic : A population pyramid

  • Name : ByoungHyun Chun(천병헌)

  • Date : June 22th, 2015


(A population pyramid)
 In 'Invitation to sociology' class, I learned about 'demography'. 'Demo' means 'the people' and 'graphy' means 'measurement'. According to the prezi, demography is the statistical study of living human populations. It encompasses the study of the size, structure, and distribution of these populations, and spatial and temporal changes in them in response to birth, migration, aging and death.

 I had thought that the demography simply was handled by mathematician and statistician. But,  through the lecture, I was became to know that many sociologists are also demographers. In the class of demography, the most interesting thing is a 'Population Pyramid'. Particulary, I was interested in forming the shape of a pyramid when the population is growing. By using a simple figure such as pyramid, it was better understand the demography. I was considered the case of Korea.

A population pyramid of Korea

 Through experiencing war(6.25), Japanese colonial era, the economy of past Korea was difficult. As economy is difficult, people`s standard of living was low. According to that the living environment is poor, the birth rate was higher, but many people die. Because many diseases spread, people died without being able to treatment. Also, because of hard work, life expectancy of people was shortened. These conditions show the pyramid of triangle model. In other words, it is fecundity and many people die. If these models was continued, economy of Korea is declined.
 However, as more and more economic growth, people`s living environment was getting better. But, recently, as women have an occupation, the birth rate was rapidly decreased than in the past. Also, a welfare system has been well institutionalized for the elderly, the death rate of the elderly was reduced. These conditions show the pyramid of a jar/crock shape. In other words, women have fewer children and the elderly also will be less died.
 If these models is not resolved and continued, Korea is going to be any super-aged nation/society in some day.
Thank you for reading~!~!~!~!

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