Friday, June 12, 2015

Looking at global phenomena - ADHD. ByoungHyun Chun(천병헌)

Main Topic : ADHD(주의력 결핍 과잉행동 장애)

  • Name : ByoungHyun Chun(천병헌)

  • Date : June 12th. 2015

ADHD, who was truly responsible?
 Have you heard the  'ADHD'?
"ADHD  is a neurodevelopmental psychiatric disorder in which there are significant problems with executive functions that cause attention deficits, hyperactivity, or impulsiveness which is not appropriate for a person's age". [Wikipedia reference]
 People think that diseases caused by genetic factors the 'ADHD'. Even if growth in similar living environment, some of the children are distraction. Because children has impulsive disposition. However, it is not possible to ignore learned factors such as the parent of the wrong upbringing system. If the parents do not discipline the children, children do their own selfish behavior. While researching, the most interesting thing is that foods that included many transfats and saturated fats are also these that cause 'ADHD'. In addition, it reduces concentration of children. Of course, innate, acquired factors are important.

+(connected to our course - Labeling)

 I think the symptoms of 'ADHD' of the young age, it is natural behavior. The children have a somewhat impulsive disposition than a perfect reason. For example, the children like to play outside and to explore the world of child`s own place. Rather, we look at the fixed and strict adult eyes, and conclude that the children that have these symptoms are unconditionally 'ADHD' patient. In fact, children that the attention is distracted are somewhat difficult to successfully adapt to the society.  However, labeling act(conclde that the children that have these symptoms are unconditionally 'ADHD' patient.) can be alienated them from the society. There is a possibility that they can modify these symptoms anytime, but labeling act excludes the possibility. Because of labeling act, children who are marginalized in society are likely to commit a crime in later. If that happens, it is possible to become a major social problem. For example, labeling children who has impulsive disposition is similar with anticipating that criminals commit a crime again.

Thank you for reading!~!~!~!~!~!


  1. How is this connected to our course?

    1. This comment has been removed by the author.

    2. In connection with our course, I was corrected. I`m sorry that would you please check the blog?.
