Saturday, June 13, 2015

Looking at global phenomena - smoking act. ByoungHyun Chun(천병헌)

Main Topic : smoking act

  • Name : ByoungHyun Chun(천병헌)

  • Date : June 13th. 2015


Have you ever thought about causes that people die?.
The causes of die of people are almost natural illness or high age. On the other hand, sometimes people die by the acquired influence. . Regardless of sex or age, people such as company employee, students(19 up) of smoking rates are high. Among the tough competition, tobacco became their friends. If I asked the reason for smoking to smokers, they will say that the mind becomes comfort. (the stress of the job can be put for a while.)
 Although it is difficult to generalize, smokers are smoking in order to escape the stress in excessive competition. However, smoking act brings the many negative effects.
 Recently, the most serious problem is the secondhand smoking. Passive smoking is more harmful than direct smoking. Particularly, fetus of pregnant women are possible to born the obstacle.

Negative effects of smoking

1. The incidence of cancer is higher three times. People suffer from not only lung cancer, but also a variety of adult diseases.
2. According to the research, life is `10 short. On average, smokers die more than non-smokers 10 years ealier.
3. Breathing is hard, head is deteriorated. Due to carbon monoxide of tobacco, memory is diminished by lack of oxygen to the brain. Also, breathing is hard, so athletic ability decreases. etc...

Impact of smoking on our society(connected to our course)

 Smoking is a enormous impact on individuals and society. Smoking act destroy the personal health. For example, notable thing is the case to die of lung cancer for smoking. Also, enormous cost of treatment is a major burden on people who care the patient. So, the burden of these charges can lead to a social problem negatively. It is possible to commit crimes in order to prepare the treatment costs. In social, if health of youths is worse because of smoking act, youth unemployment is further accelerated. In other words, youth people who are able to perform economic activity are sick, so they can not work. Thus,in Korea, including around the world, economy will decline. In addition, the country spend a lot of time to make the various systems for non-smokers. For example, the country make the law that smokers can not smoke in public but only smoking zones, that cost of the tobacco raise. Too many welfare budget for the smoking behaviors, can economically be harmed.
 In conclusion, smoking give a lot of negative impact on individuals and society.

Thank you for reading~!~!~!~!~!


  1. 0.1 extra point - need to explain better how is this connected to our course

    1. In connection with our course, I was corrected. I`m sorry that would you please check the blog?.
