The earth that appeared 4.5 billion years is being destroyed by human that appeared 4.5 million years. Because the science development and industrialization progress environment is being pulluted.
Nuture is angry. Nature threat human through natural disasters. And settle the land through sea-level rise. Human will be expelled on Earth. So I`m going to write about how to we protect the earth.
We can not use magic like gods who appeared to Greek and Roman Mythology. Is there something that can be done to the earth? There are things that we can do for earth.
First, Tree Planting is good activity. There are too many environmental benefits that can be obtained by planting trees. Among them, the largest benefit is air purification. Trees purify various pollutants in the atmosphere occurred. Wood eliminate greenhouse gas emissions and relieves weather by temperature, humidity control. Thus, tree gives a big help to prevent global warming.
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