Saturday, June 6, 2015

Agile -Yeon ju, Heo 허연주

Last class on Monday, we watched TED lecture video about family and I got to know about agile. In that lecture, agile was not adjective. Agile was development process in company. The lecturer explained agile with family.
[ Agile ]
Agile testing  (<ㅡ Click! Then, you can check the resource.)
Agile has meaning that ‘able to move quickly and easily.’ Agile development process also follow this meaning. Agile cope with development condition flexibly and do not follow set plan. It do not rely on set plan but not it has no plan. It became software development. In the early 2000s, succession case of agile became known and various development method followed agile was formed. It can make output quickly and response to customer’s feedback.
[ Agile and family ]
Nowadays, agile is applied to family like agile was applied to other development method. Family divide their housework. Children clean up their room and do what they can do. Parents separate good work, bad work and must-do for their children. So, children look back their behavior and they feel sense of accomplishment or examine themselves. Agile in family has a good effect all family member.
[ My opinion ]
It was interesting point that development process of company can be applied to family. Family came into being spontaneously but it also social structure. So, family also need process or method for keeping their order. I will try to apply agile in my family.


  1. I also thought that Agile strategy and documentary was very interesting. Later if I have another family that is different from what I'm in now, I will be willing to try that strategy. Still there should be some difficulties but I think it is worth trying Agile.

  2. Glad you enjoyed the vidoe, 0.75 extra point :)
