Saturday, June 6, 2015

International marriage-백송은(Baek song-eun)

Why korean males married to foreign females?

Once, in the typical reasons, it is the ratio of male and female population. The Republic of Korea Men are 5-6 times more than women. Thus, the five competitive men to marriage: is about 1. Man who failed to competition, so, rather than the domestic marriage, to select the international marriage.And I think that changes in the recognition of Korean women cause. If you look at a long time ago to marry, own opinion of women who get married is not important. However obedience to man, it was not in a position able to calculate the human condition.However, in order to find the person who suits them born many women with a capacity is now, women began to accept the conditions of men. Women no longer prefer the rural of single men and single men.


  1. Your ideas that why korean males married to females are so fresh and good. I think the reasons that korean males married to females because of globalization but you think changes in the recognition of women. I find only reason on men and society. Your idea is very fresh!
