Saturday, June 6, 2015

Why korean males maried to foreign females 유태준 Taejoon You

Why korean males married to foreign females?
Tae joon You 유태준

Nowadays international marriage is increasing rapidly. In korea international marriage is increasing too, but only korean male-foreign female marriage form. This is because of inbalance of gender ratio of korea. Because of boy preference in korea there are more males so they are hard to find their partners.This is the first reason why korean males married to foreign females. I think this is  different type of marriage which are affected by society. In different society, for example, USA or European countries the international marriage is not  because of inbalance of gender ratio. The marriage between different coutries are because of vigorous interchange. And in korea internatonal marriage is frequent in countryside, which many males are employes in agriculture. In agricultural society there are less females. because they moved on to cities.

1 comment:

  1. I agree with your opinion that korean international marriage is increasing because of unbalance of gender ratio. Also I think that there are many men who want to get married but also many women don't want to get married. So men who can't get married with korean woman will marry with another country's woman.
