Thursday, May 14, 2015

Conflict - Lim Ji hyun(임지현)

Main Topic : Conflict (Conflict is the process by which parties with differing wishes each believe that the other will act or is acting against them, and engage in behavior seeking to damage the other party.)

company conflict
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  In this week, our class learned about conflict theory. Conflict theories focus on conflicts between different parts of the society.  We can see so many conflict conditions in our society. Conflict can occur on micro scale between individuals murder, rape family violence. And conflict can occur on meso scale between groups gang war, macro between societies war. 

Conflict theory has been popularized by Karl Marx. Karl Marx is known as very popular conflict theory scholar. Also, I have been so interested in his theory and mind. According to Marx, conflict happens because there is a competitionfor resources, which are unequally distributed.

 Subjectively, I think conflict theory is most important and interesting theory in sociology. So, I will write the answer about one topic(about Terrorism) that is related with conflict theory.

Writing Topic : Why is terrorism seen as such a danger, if so few people have been affected by it?

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  Before I answer about the topic, I want to introduce about Terrorism. Terrorism is the use of violence by members of the population of one society against members of the population of the same or a different society. So, Terrorism is so danger. Although Terrorism affects few people, it is very danger. Because Terrorism is so powerful, so it can break many social rules. Also, media(ex. newspaper, television, cell phone, interent....) are developed very well in today society, so terrorism can be spread quickly and widely. Therefore we say that terrorism is very danger and it affects so many people.

1 comment:

  1. terrorism is not seemingly danger. As you mentioned, although terrorism affects few people, it is very danger. And terrorism is so powerful. 911 terror is very good example. When we were 6 years old, a lot of people that is innocent were killed in New York by some muslims. Most of terror makes victim who is not related from conflict.
    And I agree with you. Develope of mass media can spreads panic of terror to many people more quicky and widely.
