Saturday, May 16, 2015

Conflict - Kimjinwoo(김진우)


This week class topic is conflict. Conflict is anywhere. There are class, conflict in family, society and earth. It is big or small. For example, big conflict is war. And small conflict is fight in friends. As such, kind of conflict is various. Conflict is sometimes positive. But most of conflicts is negative. And it sometimes is big problem. So we have to administrate conflict. This is big homework for government.

Discussion: Why is terrorism seen as such a danger, if so few people have been affected by it?
Terrorism is personal retaliation. Most famous example is islam. But most islamic is not terrorist. Only a small number of islamic is violent. Back to the main point. There are big difference between terrorism and disease. Big difference is artificially and natural. Disease is natural phenomenon. On other hand, terrorism is artificially phenomenon. So terrorism can avoid. And terrorism damage is extensive. For example, 9.11 terrorism killed many people at once. In short, terrorism is huge epidemic that kill many people in short     time.  That is why government look terrorism is more danger than diseases.

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