Saturday, May 30, 2015

Does ability-improving technology is alright?-Cho Sung-an(조성안)

In these days, some technology that curing decease is used for improving human's ability. For example, a drug called ritalin is made for curing ADHD(Attention Dificit Hyperactivity Disorder). But it's used for not only curing ADHD but also for improving brain ability.
 There are two conflicting opinion about this phenomenon.
 One is positive for this,and the other side is negative for this.
 In positive opinion, there are no boundary of curing and improving. That means there are no boundary of normal and abnormal. And about ability-improving, there are just slow improvement and fast improvement. So improving ability with modern technology is not bad. Also, this kind of technology is benefitial to individual and society. By improving human ability, that improved person can live happier life and in society, there will be lots of development of culture,economy,politics and many other parts.
 In negative opinion, stability is one of the concerend thing. Usually with this kind if technology, there can be deadly side effects. Sometimes, its side effect will be very dangerous to some other function of our body. And inequality would be caused by this. People that too poor to take advantage of this technology will be discriminated by other people that benefited by this. Also there can be identity confusion caused by this. Even if benefited by this, there can be question like "Is this ability is really mine?". And this phenomenon will lead people to addiction.

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