Saturday, May 23, 2015

What is sociology - Shim Yun Hui (심윤희)

Big topic that i choose : "resistance"

Why humans resist?


The "resistance", comes to mind are a variety. Many people who resist authority. In particular, Korea's Democratic Movement, Gandhi's nonviolent disobedience. Is resistance to the parent of oppression, find the dream child. Where do people resist? Why do people resist?
1. The human survival instinct and resistance
Human If the target of adding a "threat (Whatever the meaning)" to his presence, to resist it. Human resistance is also violence, also it appears as a non-violent way. However, a common reason for this "resistance" is due to the presence of instinct for survival in humans. The man, a powerful survival desire exists. When it would undermine their own human life that will vigorously resisted him.
2. The meaning of 'Democratic Movement’
The photo below, to show us the appearance of resistant people to dictatorship.
South Korea history of democratic struggle represented by the "resistance" of the government in May and June there. Fraud of the government, corruption and dictatorship of the problem has led to a distrust of people. Distrust Party, was creating a gathered the resistance. The more the government is trying to suppress the people, who were more vigorously resisted. I think the suppression of the government to stimulate the survival instinct of the people. Those who fight oppression, all resistance is expressed in the 'instinctive desire for liberation.’
  However, is it only the survival of the human desire is the only reason people struggle (resistance) to that?
 No. The resistance of the people who participated in the Democratic Movement had a 'ambition'. Big mean they wanted was 'equality'. They are not the order in which oppression and coercion, wanted a real 'democracy'. They abandoned their lives for the future of the country beyond the survival instinct.
I think they gave him to show a 'Last resistance' which can be expressed as human beings.
    Additional Questions
                      : Human resistance to change, why?
 The satisfaction and anxiety about the unknown of reality.
Human beings seek stability. People do not like to adventure by emerged from stable state.
So people seek to resist change and familiarity.
 People do not want to invest a huge force for change.
 In addition, people to invest a force in order to change the situation that fully satisfactory believe to be incorrect. In addition to this reason, many people who are resistant to change.
 If the chance, I want to try to find more reasons to study.

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