Saturday, May 23, 2015

Social movement-Jang Kunwoo 장건우

Social movement means people's collective behavior who want to influnce to society.
 According to Wikipedia, social movement was different from citizen movement and human right movement, but todays all of that mean 'Social movement'.
 And earier 20C, the Western recognized the social movement is socialism movement of labors that wanted fundamental social revolution.
Also Wikipedia described three types of social movement. Reform social movement, Revolutianary social movement and New social movement.
Reform social movement admit original system and revolutionary social movement recognize the social changing is impossible, so persue the radical movement. New social movement is about new modern social problems, for example, human right, women, environmant, peace and antiwar,

 What are the characteristics of modern social movements in Korea?

There were many social movement in Korea. And they are divided by 6.25 Korea war.
 Before the Korea war, Korea's social movement was against to foreign rule, the Japan. People resisted to Japan, even they had different ideology. And intellectuals and labors cooperated. In other words the then social movement was cooperative movement.
 However, after the Korea war, people was divided in two group. Each group had their own ideology.
They blamed and competed each other rather than cooperative and improve social problem. Also hierarchy monopolized power. As a result, at that time, Korea was dictatorial government.
So, Korea society had many social movement against dictator. For example, 4.19 revolution.
 Finally, in 1980's occured great social movement against dictator, 5.18 democratization movement and June's struggle.

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