Friday, April 10, 2015

Bureaucracise are not perfect. - lee ye won (이예원)

Bureaucracise are not perfect.


1.     Weberian iron cage


This theory is made by Max weber. So it is called weberian. (it is called iron cage in south korea). Iron cage means bureaucracy officials room. They are locked in a room because they only work in the one place. No moving. Just sit and work! They are just the bigger bogs.


2.     Peter principle


This theory is not made by our professor prior. (it is joke.) Employees in a bureaucracy are promoted to the level of their incompetence. It means the man is a higher position but the man is so incompetent worker.


3.     Parkinson’s law


Work expands so as to fill the time available for its completion. Simply explaining, the many people are in company but their work is not efficient. It means what one person can do is making as many people. It is not efficient. Because we think about one person can do thing. we think this thing is between quality and quantity.

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