Saturday, April 11, 2015

Elements of social organization(Government) 6th lesson review -신기은(shin gieun)

Topic 1: Is modern democracy really "the will of the people"?

I think that modern democracy is "the will of the people".because Opinion of public opinion, due to advances in technology, are reflected in policy.Past democracy was also an indirect democracy.Past and modern democracy difference is the presence or absence of put press to politicians.The Constitution adopted an indirect democracy.Indirect democracy refers to how to govern by commissioned politics to politicians.In such a process, the people will vote for politicians that will better represent their opinions.Politicians to represent their opinions will build on this policy.If the representative is not consistent with the opinion of the public,People inform what the representative does not reflect the opinion of the public opinion of the fact to the Internet.Besides,People can put pressure on the status of their representatives through the signature campaigns.So I think that modern democracy is "the will of the people".

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Topic 2:Extra credit assignment-Find one of the symbols of Korea used public.

I think with a little abstract symbol of Korea.I think that a symbol of Korea is affection.
Says that most foreign tourists can feel the affection of Korea.Foreigners are an important reason to feel affection of Korea.Westerners has the most individualistic tendencies.On the other hand, under the influence of Confucian culture, Koreans are considered important for communal life.So I think that Korea people, there is a communal tendencies by receiving a lot of aggression of other ethnic.That is why affection of Korea is very important.So I think that symbol of Korea is affection.

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