Saturday, April 11, 2015

What is Sociology 6 - 안지영 (An Ji Young)

This week our topic was government. About government we first learn four major bases that organize political systems. That four major bases are coercive, symbolic, administrative, and incentive. Coercive feature means the use of physical force in social relations. On the contrary to coercive feature, incentive feature means the use of incentives to encourage or discourage specific behaviors. Symbolic feature means the use of symbols to reinforce legitimacy to rule. And symbols make legitimacy. Last administrative feature means the use of administrative structures to regulate and control. 

And we had short discussion about incentive feature. The topic was "What other things are tax deductible?". Our first answer was government's financial support when a head of household is a child. And our the other answer was also government's financial support when the house make less than the minimum cost of living. And as text in the lecture government support financially if parents have third child. To add my subject opinion, these tax deduction which is one of the incentive features is positively necessary. Because of these incentives people who are in hard circumstance could live in any less difficult situation. 

And then we learn about bureaucracy. Bureaucracies are efficient vehicles for governing by administration and incentives. To say some characteristics of bureaucracy, first it is hierarchical organization and it has specialized division of labor, also rules are implemented by neutral officials. On the other hand there is criticism of bureaucracy. Weberian iron cage, Peter principle, and Parkinson's law are supporting this perspective. 

It was little bit difficult but on the other hand it was interesting. 


  1. Your blog is very interesting. Because blog contents is innovative. Claim that willing to exemption taxes to the parent with more than three children is interesting. Such a system is able to see a lot around us. For example, exemption college tuition, salary hike, social welfare and so on. System for reduction of these taxes, was helpful to people who are in hard circumstance. Finally, I hope that the kind of systems actively was proceeded.

  2. I empathize with your last sentence. This week topic is difficult but interesting. I don't know perfectly bureaucracy. I think that bureaucracy has both advantage and disadvantage. Bureaucracy is efficient for governing people. But it is hierarchical. So we don't know that which one is better
