Friday, April 10, 2015

Macro Structure - 김민준 (Kim Min Joon)

About Power Of Structure!

- When we establish the the nation, we need to give an authority someone else because in natural condition, people must be fight each other to acquire interests.

                     (D.S :

Therefore, government is organized.
We, the member of society, agreed on an obediance to authority. It means LEGITIMACY, popular acceptance.

- Max Weber suggested three kinds of political legitimacy.

1. Traditional Authority : the legitimacy of the authority comes from tradition.  In other words, from the ancient tradition of family (the authority of a master over his household) give the authority. The master is designated in accordance with the rules of inheritance

2. Rational - Legal Authority : derives its powers from the system of bureaucracy and legality.Under rational-legal authority, legitimacy is seen as coming from a legal order. Weber defined legal order as a system where the rules are enacted and obeyed

3. Charismatic Authority : Power legitimized on the basis of a leader's exceptional personal qualities

( & Traditional authority & R-L Authority)

- Politcal system's basic powers in society are coercion (Physical Force) , symbolic system ( media of authority that is recognized by citizen powerful and noble) , administrative system, incentive system (give an award when rules are followed, punish when rules are broken.)

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