Saturday, April 11, 2015

Elements of social organization 유태준 tae joon You

taejoon you 유태준 april 6-7
TOPIC1" Is modern democracy really the will of people?"

 The origin of a word "democracy" is combination of "demos" and "kratia" .demos means people of the nation and the meaning of kratia is power.we can see from this origin of a word that democracy is the political type that people have the power. Democracy came from ancient greece . But in ancient greece democracy was not really the will of the people. Because in ancient greece, the class was divided and only the chosen people can talk about politics and can vote. This is not the will of the people.
 But in modern democracy we can vote if we are old enough and we can talk about politics. we can get informations from internet and people can talk their ideas on twitter and SNS. This makes modern society democratic i think. But there can't be perfect democracy. There is always flaws in systems. Everyone's idea can't be reflected on politics. My conclusion is that the democracy in modern society is more complete than ever but it can't perfectly speak the will of the people.

 Topic2  "How woild you lilke the government of the future to look and work?"

  The shape of the  government changed through time passes. The government today is really different from the past. I think this is the evolution of the society. The society keeps searching for the better type of government for the people. The process of the change can be radical or gradual but there was always changes in society. The process of the change in modern society is getting more radical because  every aspects of the society is changing so fast.
The ideal government would give careful attention to the public opinion the government should try to reflect people's idea . so there must be the system that can listen and gather people's saying. And after gathering this idea it must be applied to a policy decision.

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