Thursday, April 30, 2015

What is a sciology? 8 - 이채현 (Lee chae hyeon)


We learned about stratification, racial and ethnic strtification. Stratification means structuring of society by level of command over resources like wealth, power and prestige. Karl Marx thinks that hierarchy is two class, the proletariat and the bourgeoisie. Our society are stratified hierarchically by social status. Type of poverty : absolute poverty and relative poverty. Ethnicity is the set of cultural, racial differences. Race&ethnicity are primarily social, not biological. Genocide is an attempt to exterminate an ethnicity from a society. Ethnicity cleansing is a systematice attempt to expel an ethnicity from a society.

Should Korean government do more to reduce poverty and promote equality?

I think that first Korean government should find a cause of poverty. I think that a reason of poverty is in individual. Of course, it is also  in social system. But individual problem is first. Government should promote wildcat to work. Government can find problems of individual factor. In poverty, people keep up with others. They already lag behind in their work. So, Government should support this through social system. They can't do this themselves. They need to help overcome poverty. But if government helps people about  poverty, it is dislocated in equality. I think that absolute equality don't exist. So the maximum amount of equality must pursue. Government can't satisfy everyone. But to promote equality, the rich shouldn't make a loss.

What is the function of stratification?

​​First, I think that stratification makes us do our best. To ascend for high class, we effort more hardly. If stratification is fixed stratification, it can be impossible. But in modern society, class can be vertical ascent. So if we effort, we move to high class we want. Second, stratification maintatin social order. Stratification stabilizes society.

1 comment:

  1. I also think government should care poverty more than now. I know it is unrealistic for government to care all people and hear everyone's story but I think there is a need to more pay attention to poverty. In the talk show that we watched during lecture the lecturer said duty of high class is just to let middle class to work actively. For example they could give them sufficient money.
