Saturday, March 7, 2015

First post."what is sociology"-신기은(shin gi eun)

Saturday, March 7, 2015

Last "Invitation to Sociology" was our first time to learn sociology. from Last lesson, Sociology has realized that the relatively scientific and systematic and subjects than I had thought.

First topic:Why does fashion change? 

Fashion trends represent the environment and the culture of the era that people were living in. As history went on, clothing of people has changed constantly.
First of all, people from prehistoric timespan had clothing for pure survival. Their fashion had developed to keep themselves warm. Their clothes were more of to cover their bodies then to show which directed them to use furs. As people become more civilized, they were able to find replacement of clothing for warmth. People started to wear thinner and fancier clothes to show their positions and classes. Clothes had started to identify who the person was. In addition, cultural differences, caused by the lack of the communication technology between towns and countries, had directed similar clothing to different traditional clothes.      
However, different fashion trends from all around the world somewhat united into representation of self-identity as people became able to connect to each other through technology and as caste system weakened. Clothes show more of individual’s unique characters. For example, people with different personalities wear differently. Some exceptions may be professional officers who needs to wear uniforms. Overall, fashion trends constantly transform following the environment of the time period.

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Second topic:Why is StarCraft so popular in Korea?

There are three main reasons to why StarCraft is famous in Korea.
First, Korea lacks the idea of copyright. StarCraft is a game produced by Blizzard Entertainment, and its CD should be legally purchased from a store. However, the original CDs are quite expensive for the students to afford, a lot of illegal copies have been made to be sold. This has positively caused to increase the users and players of StarCraft.사용자 삽입 이미지

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Secondly, At the times Korea suddenly were poor economy. So Korean youths were many unemployed. Unemployed many youths had many free time so they were addicted the StarCraft.본문이미지

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Finally, electronic sports, also known as e-sports, has succeeded in Korea compared to other countries. Whether if a person has bought the original copy or not, the increased number of users has attracted an interest to e-sports which lead to a start of pro leagues in StarCraft. Such boom in the game made people who were not interested to look into the game, and came in, but it recently has restarted by individual sponsors. The passion of the StarCraft fans definitely is the biggest reason to how StarCraft had such big success in Korea.
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  1. mentioned contents that spread of starcraft caused by illegal copy has brought about current popularity is very interested to me. I agree with you. Although illegal copy was bad intentions, As a result, Blizzard got a lot of benefits. kkkk

  2. Oh frankly speaking, I don't know exactly why Starcraft is popular in Korea. Your idea that Koreans lack the idea of copyright and sudden poor economy is so fresh.

  3. I haven't yet thought that copyright problem has connection with starcraft. It's interesting link.

  4. Evolution of fashion is a good thinking. And lack of idea about copyright made Starcraft popular in Korea is very good idea,too!
