Saturday, March 14, 2015

what is sociology?(2) Jung yeong hyuk(정영혁)

in 3rd week we study about several sociologists. their names are Karl Heinrich Marx, Emile Durkheim, Max Weber, comte. above all I will explain about Mark.

Karl Heinric Marx(1818. 5. 5. ~ 1883. 3)

Marx is very famous philosopher and sociologist all around the world.
His book das kapital exert enormously influence on socialism.
das kapital was starting point of socialism.
he had very pessimistic view about the capitalism.
in his book he explain that cause of problem of capitalism, capitalism will evolve or fade away so
finally socialism coming.
Marx think that capitalism has the problem of class(bourgeois and proletarian).
he think that conflict of this two groups will deepen as time goes on.
finally class struggle will occur. so capitalism collapse. and socialism will dominate
Now in the world socialism nations are minority.
Although the world did not change as Marx's thought.
Once socialism was enough to powerful rival with capitalism.
Marx's idea was very impactful. it's so hard to believe that the impact is one person's achivement
the end.
I will do better next time!!

1 comment:

  1. I read your blog well. Were reviewed about my Marx's opinion, but the contents of the review seems to be similar. By criticizing capitalism, the original goal of joint distribution, Marx stressed the socialism. Finally, Neat organizing of your blog is was easy to understand. One missing is hard to share the opinion with each other without looking your opinion about Marx's views. To the next challenge, it is considered to be the best blog to reflect your opinion.
