Thursday, March 19, 2015

What is Sociology kimjinwoo(김진우0

The first topic of our class was about Korea.

The first of them was that Korea does not religious. But I do not think so.
Half of Koreans believe Christianity. And there are many Buddhists.
The most important fact is that the majority of Koreans received the influence of Confucianism. In this respect, it is not true that South Korea does not religious.

The second discussion topic has not been allowed in the past was to be allowed nowadays.

Women's social participation in that first thought. In the past, due to the influence of Confucianism, women were working from home. However, over time it became possible social advancement of women. In addition, many women have been subjected to education. Can no longer ignore the women in Korea. Many women lead on an important role in society. Examples is woman president. The biggest role in Korea is the president. It indicates that the female president of women having a significant impact on South Korea.

Second is the belief of Christianity. In the past, Christianity was regarded as heresy.
So Christian believers were rejected.  Sometimes the Christian believers were killed.
That is the '병인박해'.  At that time, many died martyrs and Christian believers. But now, almost half of Koreans are Christians.

Finally, there is adultery law. Adultery is committed adultery law is the law applicable to the person. In recent years, however, we have removed the law in the Constitutional Court. "Adultery is a violation of the Constitution as a violation of the freedom of the people of secret sexual self-determination and privacy, while the excess prohibition principle" and has ruled.

1 comment:

  1. Many Korean go church or temple. But in capitalist system, mammonism is prevalent these days in Korea. So in relative perspective, it seems that material stands out. i think thats why korean is considered less religious.
    Love between man and woman can'be judged by law so dultery has not been punished in America. Recently that realization is ascending in Korea society. Legislators abolished adultery. So person who commits adultery isnt punished by law.
