Friday, March 13, 2015

What Is Sociology? (2) Mina Kim 김미나

Date : March 9~10th , 2015

First Topic : What is more important our genes or our environment?

I think that the environment is more important than the genes. For example, there are two person who have the IQ90 and IQ120. But, IQ 90 person have a good environment and financial support. contrary to, IQ 120 person doesn't use good intelligence. The difference between the two is going to so far apart. A effort is the same situation. Nothing  is impossible in the effort. Genes is just one factor in success. Namely, genes isn't all success. Also, the environment is composed of effort, love, parents' ability and mood. But, the genes are just one of the ability that make our body. There is different example, there are twins who born of the same parents. Twins are on the other side of fence. One gives parents' love, financial support and good friends, the other puts to leave a negative state. A few years later, the twin will be seen a big difference image.

Have you ever seen the TV show 'Our Children Have Changed?'? There are the children who use a violence. However, the therapist helps the child through the bad habit of being able to heal themselves change as a result. In the old days, i saw enjoy this program. when i see every scene, i know that the environment and treatment are very important things. Like these examples, I think that the environment is more important than the genes.

Second Topic : Can you think of examples of  charismatic, traditional and rational-legal leaders of governments in the history of Asia?

I think Yi Sun-shin admiral. He was a Korean naval commander. People are appraisal "He is historically symbolic because of his victories against Japanese navy. Yi Sun-shin is highly respected among Koreans for his patriotic spirit."
I think so. He is the maker the Turtle Ship that the most Koreans know. Lately, the movie '명량'(the admiral) was released. Through this movie, Yi admirals' phase is higher. A famous words :  For me, there are still 12 boats. This words have appeared after our soldier was damaged. I think that this aspect are charismatic leaders' aspects in a crisis situation. Yi admiral led the victory with a good strategy for most of the combat. Thus, I think that Leaders think the reasonable solution and strong mind. Go to the Gwanghwamun Plaza in Seoul, there are a statue of Admiral Yi Sun-shin and King Sejong the Great. The great aspects that the large plaza in the Koreas' capital, Seoul are a good phenomenon that the most people feel pride toward him. Also, l feel pride the good admiral in history of korea.

1 comment:

  1. I have a same opinion with you about first topic. I think that our environment is more important than our genes. But I couldn't think about the Korean TV show. I like the TV show because it is very interesting and surprised thatbad and nasty children can change. I think that your example about first topic is so suitable. Also, although I writed King Sejong about the second topic, I agree your opinion that Yi Sun-shin admiral is charismatic leader in the history of Asia.,too. Yi Sun-shin admiral is also excellent leader in Korea as much as King Sejong! Your opinion is very clear and simple, so I like your posting! Your posting is very excellent!
