Thursday, March 26, 2015

Sociology of religion. -Yeon ju, Heo (허연주)

This week, we learned sociology from religion. That was interesting. Because I have religion. Religion is important component in all culture. Sometimes, religion occupy most of the human life.
# What functions religion may have?
We learned from this question, there are two theory. Functional theory and conflict theory. I thought both of them.
In functional theory, religion have many advantage. It reduces anxiety, restlessness, concern and other bad things. Sometimes, We find meaning of life in religion. We confess our sin to the GOD and get forgiveness. It gives courage and consolation to some people. And it combines various people (other country, other language) in same religion.
But religion also have bad aspect in conflict theory. Sometimes, it become source of war. Between other religions, conflict is occurred. They are not comprehend other religion, and make other religion give in their religion.
# Can you think of other examples in how religion can be used to control people?
In some country, religion have powerful influence to people. Which country people are controlled their eating by religion. And other country people are controlled their fashion. For example, muslim woman must wear ‘Hijab’. Because It is their rule fixed their religion.

# I think...
I have religion. So I interested in this lecture. I always think religion is good thing. Because I have religion, and I take it for granted. Through this lecture, I could think about religion’s bad aspect. Course, that is unpleasant aspect to me. But I extend my perspective.

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